Saturday, 13 September 2014

Dropbox 2.6.7



Links are automatically banned if they generate an uncommonly large amount of traffic. For Free accounts, the total amount of traffic that all of your links together can generate without getting banned is 20 GB per day. For Pro and Business accounts, the limit is 200 GB per day.

If your account hits our limit, we'll send a message to the email address registered to your account. Your links will be temporarily disabled, and those who try to access them will see an error page instead of your files.

Dropbox - software that allows you to store your data on remote servers, as well as grant others access to them. Dropbox can be used for storing and sharing data,
data synchronization, as hosting minisite, and will be useful as Assistant IT developers and ordinary users.

Dropbox works by synchronizing data - when you install on your computer create a folder �My Dropbox�, which is synchronized with the online store.
With any change in any local folder content changes occur on the server and Dropbox.
Access to the online store can be provided from any computer, making the program very easy to share files and backing up important data.

Main features of Dropbox:
- Synchronization occurs without user intervention. You can connect multiple computers.
- Supports any file type.
- Automatic update of data when upgrading your PC.
- If you change the file, only transfers the changed fragment, which significantly reduces the traffic and speeds up synchronization.
- History file, which is available during the last 30 days.
- High level of security service. Achieved by transmitting data over an encrypted channel (SSL) and data storage "in the cloud" is encrypted (AES-256).
- Ability to upload files to a shared folder in �Public�.
- Ability to create a "share drives" folder to share people with different accounts on the service.
- Loading and shipment can restrict or allow the program itself is Dropbox.

OC: Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8
� An amount of free space on your computer equal to the amount you want to store on Dropbox
� At least 512MB of RAM


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